Computer Vision, Speech Communication &

Signal Processing Group

Faculty | PhD Students | Collaborators
Journal | Book Chapters | Conference
Undergraduate | Graduate | Diploma Theses


GAC++: A toolbox for PDE-based image processing

GAC++ is a C++ toolbox for the efficient solution of computer vision PDEs. The emphasis is on the solution of time-dependent models, such as anisotropic diffusion and level-set-based geometric active contours, using stable implicit schemes and fast multigrid algorithms.
[GAC++ page]

AAMtools: Software for building Active Appearance Models and fitting them to images

AAMtools is a MATLAB-based toolbox for building Active Appearance Models (AAMs) and fitting them to still and moving images. AAMtools incorporates our latest research on efficient and accurate AAM fitting algorithms.
[AAMtools page]

Toolbox for image texture analysis with modulation features and generative models

This is a MATLAB-based toolbox implementing efficient algorithms for multiband image filtering, demodulation in amplitude (AM) and frequency (FM) signals and probabilistic localization of texture, edge, smooth image regions.
[Texture page]

Last modified: Wednesday, 28 January 2009 | Created by Nassos Katsamanis and George Papandreou